CAD/CAM international No. 3, 2017 - Dental Tribune E-Paper

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CAD/CAM international No. 3, 2017

Dernier numéro

CAD/CAM international No. 3, 2017

Cover / Editorial by Dr Scott D. Ganz / Content / Digitising your implant practice / Digital assisted precise planning and manufacturing of a fixed dental restoration / Immediate implant placement in aesthetic zone, followed by final restoration using CARES Digital Solutions / Using CAD/CAM for a combination approach to full mouth reconstruction / Brain-guided implant reconstruction: Who makes the decisions? / TRINIA— Metal-free restorations / Implant-retained bar overdenture— planning and manufacturing process / CAD/CAM abutments and implant bars on demand with NobelProcera Services / European dental imaging equipment market in a state of change / Optimal treatment planning for perfect aesthetic and functional results—case report / The use of CBCT and CAD/CAM techniques in complex implant-supported rehabilitation of maxilla—Part II / Manufacturer News / 4th MIS Global Conference— Paradise Island Bahamas / International Events / Submission guidelines / Imprint /
