ceramic implants international No. 1, 2018 - Dental Tribune E-Paper

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ceramic implants international No. 1, 2018

Dernier numéro

ceramic implants international No. 1, 2018

Cover / Editorial: Ceramic implants—current state of discussion / Content / From peri-implantitis to implant disease - Will terminology and definitions change? / Analogous therapy for guided regeneration of lamellar bone tissue / Individual CAD/CAM abutments on ceramic implants / Aesthetic restoration in the incisal region / Immediate placement in the maxillary aesthetic zone / Change is mandatory for extraordinary results / Ceramic implants in anterior dental restoration / Manufacturer news / Clear trend towards metal-free reconstructions / A shift to “well-care” / “The future of implantology — ceramics and biology” in Hamburg / News / Imprint /
