roots international No. 1, 2016 - Dental Tribune E-Paper

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roots international No. 1, 2016

Dernier numéro

roots international No. 1, 2016

Cover / Editorial / Content / Treatment coordinator: The bridge to case acceptance / Endodontic diagnosis / Irrigation dynamics in root canal therapy / Removing separated files with the Terauchi File Retrieval Kit / Fibre posts and tooth reinforcement: Evidence in the literature / Use of mineral trioxide aggregate in endodontic retro-filling / “Find it - fix it - and leave it alone” / News / Products / FKG Dubai Training Center opens to Eastern European and Greek clients / Roots Summit 2016 - Premier global forum for endodontics takes place in Dubai / Meetings - Nobel Biocare Global Symposium / Events / Submission guidelines / Imprint /
