roots international No. 2, 2012 - Dental Tribune E-Paper

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roots international No. 2, 2012

Dernier numéro

roots international No. 2, 2012

Cover / Editorial / Content / Cone-beam computed tomography in endodontics— Overcoming limitations / Diagnosis and management of a longitudinal fracture necrosis associated with an extensive periodontal defect / Dental occlusion/TMJ and general body health / Canal anatomy: The ultimate directive in instrument design and utilisation / WaveOne― First experiences of third-year students / Scouting the root canal with dedicated NiTi files / Infection control / Analysis of micro leakage using a self-etching adhesive system on casting and fiber glass posts / Industry News / “History & Heritage —Forging the Future” / International Events / Submission Guidelines / Imprint /
