ceramic implants international No. 1, 2023 - Dental Tribune E-Paper

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ceramic implants international No. 1, 2023

Dernier numéro

ceramic implants international No. 1, 2023

Cover / Editorial / Content / Clinical success rate of two-piece zirconia dental implants / Immediately placed two-piece zirconia implant with customised healing abutment in the maxillary molar region / Magneto-dynamic site preparation for zirconia implants: A dry, cold and minimally invasive protocol / Modern workflow of immediate zirconia implant surgery utilising dynamic navigation: case studies and benefit analysis / Looking for a ceramic solution / Full-arch maxillary rehabilitation using Y-TZP protheses on ceramic implants—18 month follow up / Interview: Discover the latest in ceramic implantology at the EACim’s 2023 congress in France / Events / Manufacturer news / News / Imprint /
