roots international No. 1, 2022 - Dental Tribune E-Paper

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roots international No. 1, 2022

Dernier numéro

roots international No. 1, 2022

Cover / Editorial / Content / ROOTS SUMMIT special / Automatic assistance: Freedom to navigate root canals / Digital technology in endodontics - Use of dynamic navigation to access and shape canals in teeth with pulp canal obliteration after trauma / Root canal therapy of necrotic primary molars—using a single-file reciprocating system / High-end technology for simplicity / The golden era of root canal shaping / Laser protocol for peri-implantitis treatment - An interview with Dr Michał Nawrocki / “The correct choice of an animal model is vital” - An interview with Dr Alexis Gaudin / The key role of vitamin D in immune health and regeneration - The evidence for supplementation / US-based Seiler Instrument came from humble origins / Meetings / Submission guidelines / Imprint /
