DT Asia Pacific - Dental Tribune E-Paper

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DT Asia Pacific

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DT Asia Pacific

Systemic Implications of Oral Health: Diabetes / Novel Device Shows Potential in Better Detecting Oral Cancer / Studies Evaluate Health Effects of Dental Amalgam Fillings in Children / The Comprehensive New Patient Experience: A Well Thought-Out Approach / Staff Productivity: Perception vs. Reality / Saliva as a Diagnostic Tool in the Treatment of Periodontal Disease / Mothers - Infants and Oral Health / The Meaning of Preprosthetic Diagnosis in the Course of a Complex Esthetic Anterior Tooth Reconstruction / An interview with Dr Ken Malament - President of the Greater NY Prosthodontists Association - U.S.A. / InTen-S and InTen-S Flow—intensify your life / Biolase Launches Operations in Australia & New Zealand / New Intraoral X-Ray Systems Deliver High Image Quality and Radiation Dose Reduction Up To 25% / Dental Tribune & Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons jointly present a Symposium on Periodontal Aspects of Systemic Health / Ivoclar Vivadent launches new products for the Asia Pacific region / IDEM Singapore comes of age as the pivotal show for the Asia Pacific / W&H Strengthens Partner Education at IDEM Singapore / What’s Happening Around the Globe? / Field Museum Scientists Discover: “Magdalenian Girl” is Not a Girl / Smoking May Cause Far More Cancer Deaths in Asian Americans Than Previously Recognized /
