DT Middle East and Africa - Dental Tribune E-Paper

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DT Middle East and Africa

Dernier numéro

DT Middle East and Africa

Why Patients Say "No" / Less Stress in a Practice`s Daily Routine / Is Your Practice Broschure Doing the Job? / The Impact of Business Systems on Practice Profitability / Successful Mechanical Root Canal Conditioning / Orthodontic Aspects of Patients with Periodontal Disease and Implants / Preventing Errors During Implant Surgery / Excessive Drinking in Dental Students: Some Preliminary Findings from Six European Universities / Multiple vs. One-Step Apexification / Successful Veneers: Function and Aesthetics / Case Presentations from the Endodontic Practice / Function Diagnostics - Dentistry / How Much Thoroughness is Biologically Justifiable in Root Planing?  / Augmentation of a Large Cyst with Subsequent Implantation / Meetings & More / The Back Page /
