DT UK No. 17, 2012 - Dental Tribune E-Paper

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DT UK No. 17, 2012

Dernier numéro

DT UK No. 17, 2012

News / Expand your “cosmetic” dentistry: Dr Oliver Harman discusses the innovative MSc in Restorative and Aesthetic Dentistry / BACD Conference: Advanced thinking in dental ceramics / Find yourself on Facebook / Why improving your practice is a mystery – part 10 / ‘They just aren’t interested’: Alun Rees discusses some reasons as to why you may be ‘short of work’ / Improving practice performance: Amanda Atkin explains how to achieve excellent teamwork / It’s a small world after all: Mhari Coxon examines the evidence and best practice / Reconstruction of an Atrophic maxilla using six dental implants / The Dental Wellness Trust: helping orphans in Croatia / An inspirational day for all: A look back at James Hull Associates’ annual conference / Industry News / Dental Tribune UK Editorial Board / Classified /
