aligners international No. 1, 2022 - Dental Tribune E-Paper

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aligners international No. 1, 2022

Dernier numéro

aligners international No. 1, 2022

Cover / Editorial / Content / The role of the orthodontist: Healthcare provider or salesperson? / Treatment of a patient with a congenitally missing lateral incisor using aligners: A case report / Aligners: More regulation or just a consumer product? / Effective application of interproximal reduction during aligner treatment / War in Ukraine: Dentists will not sit idly by / How to make time work for you instead of against you—five time management tips for 2022 / Clear aligners: the star of 2021 / 4D-printed clear aligners found to show promise / Making aligners digitally, the K and B way using 3D printing / Cast mould clear aligners: Orthosnap upends market with greater precision, lower cost / Laser cutting—the future of aligner manufacturing / Release 12: New Spark clear aligners / The Third European Aligner Society congress in Malta in 2021 proved a great success, as Dr Graham Gardner, past president of the EAS reports / EOS annual congress 2022—techniques may change, but the principles remain the same / International events / Submission guidelines / International imprint /
