DT UK - Dental Tribune E-Paper

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Les éditions e-paper sont des copies numériques exactes des publications imprimées du DTI. Les lecteurs peuvent rechercher et parcourir le papier électronique, ainsi que télécharger et imprimer des pages pour les lire hors ligne. Afin de promouvoir une large diffusion auprès de notre lectorat international, l'accès à la plupart des e-papers est gratuit.


Dernier numéro


Dentists’ anger at below inflation pay rise / But look at this / Implementation Group dentist breaks cover / DLA welcomes new Chairman / Laboratory announces half year results / Introducing Practice Advantage—Exclusive Deals for Denplan Practices / The power of ten / Innovations in Endodontic Instruments and Techniques: How They Simplify Treatment / Regular pill-taking may soon be a thing of the past / Replacing old composites / Doubts raised over value of child screening / Essential Modernisation of Dental IT in Sunderland / How to make friends … and influence people / What next? Your career in primary dental care / Boost for online dental training at King’s College / The case For Power … and Against / Industry News / The CODE VIP Dinner votes unity for the profession / Hit the Slopes to Reach your CPD Target / Development Matters—new courses in 2007 / Classified /
