laser international No. 3, 2019 - Dental Tribune E-Paper

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laser international No. 3, 2019

Dernier numéro

laser international No. 3, 2019

Cover / Editorial / Content / Effect of duration of Er,Cr:YSGG laser etching on dentine morphology / The treatment approach to caries using the Er:YAG laser / Severe peri-implantitis treated with the Er,Cr:YSGG laser / Crown lengthening in the aesthetic zone - Comparing laser and conventional surgery / Photoacoustic cavitation effects in oral surgery - How to preserve tissue and promote healing / The Dr Mir laser-assisted dental implant technique - A novel clinical approach / SSP/SWEEPS endodontics with the SkyPulse Er:YAG laser / Are you a laser dentist? / Successful communication in your daily practice - Part XI: Attracting prospective patients from abroad / Manufacturer News / Imprint /
