laser international No. 3, 2013 - Dental Tribune E-Paper

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laser international No. 3, 2013

Dernier numéro

laser international No. 3, 2013

Cover / Editorial / Content / Incision and drainage of a vestibular space abscess by diode laser / The diode laser as an electrosurgery replacement / Treatment of aphthous stomatitis using low-level laser therapy / Surgical management of peri-implantitis with laser / Diode laser application optimises the clinical outcomes of digital workflow / Lasers in periodontal therapy: the TwinLight® approach / Treatment of drug-induced gingival enlargement with Er:YAGlaser / The green power / Gain power at your laser clinics! / Manufacturer News / "Ultimately - I wish for laser education to be completely integrated within the school of dentistry - everywhere" / 1st Meeting of the WFLD North American Division / News / Imprint /
