today IDS 2011 Cologne 26 March - Dental Tribune E-Paper

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today IDS 2011 Cologne 26 March

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today IDS 2011 Cologne 26 March

A new dimension of interactive oral care / „The WaveOne system is a simple system“ - Interview with Julian Webber - UK / BEGO debuts a new corporate image / Special pricing on magnifying glasses during IDS; Interview with Christoph Bajohr and Torsten Selzer of Bajohr OPTECmed / Cercon Campus Challenge / “Alveolar protector is a novel approach to reconstructing single-tooth defects”; Interview with Dental Marketing Manager Julien Storz of Gebrüder Martin GmbH & Co. KG / CADstar explores orthodontics / Laser dentistry’s ‘quantum square pulse’ technology / Business / Sightseeing / Service /
